Why Teenagers Withdraw From You as a Parent: 5 Common and Uncommon Reasons

Communication is key in any relationship, especially between parents and teenagers. However, it's not uncommon for your kids to withdraw from communication when they reach their teenage years, which can be frustrating and concerning for parents. Here, we will delve deeper into the psyche of a teenager and understand  the common and uncommon reasons for them to withdraw from communication. We will also see how it could lead to mental illness in teens if not addressed at an early stage. 

Let’s start first with the common reasons 

Here are eight common reasons why a teenager may withdraw from communication: 

  1. They feel misunderstood or judged: Teenagers may feel like their parents or other adults don't understand their point of view or that they are being judged for their behavior or choices.
  2. They are experiencing mental health issues: Mental illness in teens such as depression or anxiety can make teenagers feel isolated and may cause them to withdraw from communication.
  3. They are struggling with self-esteem: Teenagers may feel insecure about themselves, and may withdraw from communication to avoid feeling vulnerable or exposed.They may resort to avoidance behavior in this instance. 
  4. They are facing peer pressure: Peer pressure can be a powerful influence on teenagers, and they may withdraw from communication with parents or other adults to fit in with their peers.
  5. They are trying to assert their independence: Teenagers are in a phase where they are trying to establish their identity and assert their independence. This may cause them to withdraw from communication with parents or other adults.
  6. They are facing academic pressure: Teenagers may feel overwhelmed by academic pressure and may withdraw from communication to focus on their studies.
  7. They are struggling with family issues: Family issues such as divorce or financial stress can impact teenagers, and they may withdraw from communication to avoid conflict or stress.
  8. They are spending too much time on social media: Teenagers today are often consumed by social media and other digital devices, which can lead to a decrease in face-to-face communication and social interaction.

And here are the Uncommon Reasons 

In addition to these common reasons, there are also some uncommon reasons why a teenager may withdraw from communication:

  1. Sensory processing issues: Some teenagers may have difficulty processing sensory information, such as sound, touch, weird textures, or light, which can make communication challenging or overwhelming. While this is most frequent in teens who are on the ASD spectrum, it can affect anyone. This can lead to withdrawal from communication as a coping mechanism.
  2. Trauma or PTSD: Teenagers who have experienced trauma or suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) may withdraw from communication as a way to cope with their symptoms. They may feel anxious or triggered by certain conversations or interactions, and may withdraw to avoid these triggers.
  3. Excessive Responsibility: Some teenagers may feel an excessive sense of responsibility towards their family or friends and may feel burdened by the need to always be available and helpful. This can lead to withdrawal from communication as they may feel overwhelmed by their responsibilities and unable to communicate effectively.

How can you tackle this as a parent? 

As a parent, it can be tough to connect with a teenager who's withdrawn. Also, you may be worried about your child, as withdrawal symptoms can lead to mental illness in your teen if left unattended. But there are steps you can take to foster better communication and build a stronger relationship.

  • Listen without judgment: When your teen does open up, be sure to listen without criticizing or lecturing. Instead, try to understand their point of view and feelings.
  • Create a safe space: Make sure your teen feels comfortable and secure when talking to you. Avoid interrupting or dismissing their concerns, and provide support and reassurance.
  • Keep communication open: Even if your teen is withdrawn, let them know you're always there to talk. Check in with them regularly and ask how they're doing.
  • Respect their boundaries: While it's important to keep the lines of communication open, respect your teen's boundaries. Don't push them to talk if they're not ready, and give them space when they need it.
  • Seek professional help if needed: If your teen's withdrawal is related to mental health issues or trauma, seek help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide valuable support for both you and your teen.
  • Build trust: Focus on building trust with your teenager. Keep your promises, respect their privacy, and avoid being judgmental. By building trust, your teenager may feel more comfortable opening up to you.
  • Be patient: Building better communication and a stronger relationship takes time and effort. Be patient, and celebrate every small step towards better communication.


Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, but it can be particularly challenging when it comes to teenagers. Understanding the reasons why a teenager may withdraw from communication and taking steps to foster better communication can go a long way towards building a stronger relationship.

As parents, it's important to remember that every teenager is different and may have their own unique challenges and struggles. By approaching communication with empathy, patience, and understanding, you can create a safe and supportive environment where your teenager feels comfortable opening up.

Remember, building better communication and a stronger relationship with your teenager takes time and effort. But by taking small steps and celebrating every success, you can create a more positive and fulfilling relationship with your teenager that can last a lifetime. If you wish to learn more about how MARCo can help your teenager achieve a better overall mental well-being, you can reach out to us.

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